Tuesday 2 September 2008

Prototyping the city_international summer school_Torino World Design Capital 2008

Prototyping the City: Design Studio was a workshop organized by the Torino World Design Capital, the Architectural Association, the Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation at Columbia University and the Politecnico di Torino within the context of the summer school Designing Connected Places. It took place in Torino, between 14 July and 26 July 2008 and was conceived as an intensive collaborative section between 35 students from all over the world and has been realized with the support of Denaldi Legnami.

The task was to design and construct an installation, used as the Torino information desk of the six workshops of the summer school Designing Connected Places, held both in Torino and in Pollenzo: students were asked to design and construct the information desk by using advanced computational techniques and fabrication processes.

The wooden structure will remain on site until October 12th. and has been placed in the corridor, between "Le Nuove" and the "Officine Grandi Riparazioni delle Strade Ferrate" as this is an area of the city that has been abandoned for a few years and that has reborn as an exhibit pole during these months.

Official Blog: www.protocity.blogspot.com

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