Saturday 20 September 2008

Result: Transform the Future Competition

Colourful sustainable design for communities
"Textures make sense"
The second year of the Dalsouple 'Transform the Future' design competition attracted entries from every corner of the world. While last year's winner was close to home in the UK, this year the honours went to a remote corner of Argentina. Leonardo Bercovich Sisack and Noelia Canizares Majek, students at the National University of Tucuman, collaborated on a stunning design for the Luis Braille School for visually impaired children. The children helped select the Dalsouple textures and colours that were incorporated into the final design. Textured rubber was used to improve wayfinding, not only on the floors but on walls and corners around the school. Leonardo and Noelia also came up with a series of structured floor and wall games and puzzles, some using Dalsouple's magnetised rubber tiles, to create a lively, interactive learning environment.
The interpretation of sustainability encompassed not only the use of natural materials but also the broader context of improving quality of life for an often marginalised group - the visually impaired. Recognising that human interaction and social inclusion are key facets of the sustainability story, the Luis Braille school project used natural and sustainable materials to enable pupils to move freely within, interact with and learn about their environment. This small project 'contributes to the development of our society by making the built environment more adequate, beautiful and a truthful expression of our goals as human beings."
Highly commended awards were made to the following entries:
1 Charlotte Claridge, London College of Communication: Stormont House School, Hackney
2 Cristina de Saro & Ivonne Caballero, University of Texas: Avance Daycare Centre, San Antonio
3 Sarah Williams, Chelsea College of Art & Design: Holy Trinity School, Marlow*
4 Danielle Strzelecki, The Interior Design School: Pepper Pot
5 Ong Tien Yee, Lim Chee Way, Beh Ssi Cze & Chow Khoon Toong, National University of Malaysia: The UKM Special Education Centre
6 James Griffiths, Leeds Metropolitan University: The Exchange at Edgehill Station
7 Jorg Lunkenheimer & Andreas Reinhardt, University of Applied Sciences, Wuerzburg: Red Rubber Carpet
8 Michael Pfueffer & Peter Brewer, University of Applied Sciences, Wuerzburg: Parasite/Para-site?
*Sarah's design was actually installed during the summer of 2008, transforming a scruffy, bag-filled girls' cloakroom in the school to a clean, attractive locker room in vibrant shades of lilac and purple.
Next year's competition
To reflect the growing importance of sustainability in the design mix, Dalsouple will be running the competition again in 2009 in an expanded form. Entries will be welcome from both students and professional designers, and there will be an opportunity to submit product designs as well as interior projects using DalNaturel natural rubber.
For details visit�

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